And I’m teaching it soon.

camera's point of view on a building
Image credit to Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash.

I’m thrilled to announce my third class with Savvy Authors, Dig Deep into Point of View. It’s all about making third-person close as close as you can get it. This self-paced course runs July 19-August 4, and you’ll leave with the tools to create an intensely immursive experience in third-person.

And if you register by July 12th, you can save $5 with code POVDESANTIS2021.

Third-person close. Done right, it has the power to be right there beside your character. But straying from third-person close can put distance between your reader and the story, making events feel irrelevant and characters two-dimensional. If you want your readers to feel like they are passengers in your protagonist’s head, feeling what they feel, hearing what they hear, experiencing everything down to the last gritty detail, a strong, tight third-person narration is key.

“Tighten up your POV,” your editor says. But how do you do this? In this class, I’ll walk you through how to recognize distanced POV and how to “tighten” the lens. We’ll dig deep into the individual word choices that can make or break your third-person close, as well as some phrases to look out for. Topics will include…

-Barrier words (words that create a barrier between your reader and the story)

-Making the POV experience unique

-Using description to make your POV character “real”

And more!

Join me in the virtual classroom, and let’s get that third-person, close.

Remember, use code POVDESANTIS2021 when you register by July 12.

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