Well, it’s my birthday, and I’m celebrating by sharing some exciting news. I’m getting a book off my hard drive and onto the internet!

Meet Grimmfay: A Dark Fairy-Tale Inspired Circus

red and white striped circus tent at night
Credit to Yelda Side on Istock.

I wrote Grimmfay back in 2018 while I struggled with finding my footing in a new place. The characters gave me someone to talk to when I needed a support system, and I’m tired of watching them languish in a file where they will never be known. So it’s with great excitement and purpose that I announce this world and its people are coming to life.

Rather than the traditional self-publishing approach, though, I’m taking a slightly different route. I did the self-publishing thing a few years ago, and it just wasn’t a process that worked for me. Too much time pressure, and it didn’t give me the sense of writerly community I was looking for. So after doing some research, I found another option that I’m hoping will satisfy both these desires.

Grimmfay on Patreon

If you’re unfamiliar with Patreon, you can read more about it here, but the quick version is that it’s a place for creators to, well, create and get paid for their work by their “patrons” (hence “Patreon”). This approach ticks all the boxes I’m looking for—it lets me release Grimmfay chapter-by-chapter at a pace that works for me, and it offers a place for community. I want the circus to be a place of gathering, and I’d love for you to join me on this amazing next step in my creative journey.

To make sure I’m not rushing into this, I’m not actually launching my Patreon or publishing chapters until January, but that doesn’t mean the fun hasn’t started. Grimmfay now has a dedicated page on Kit ‘N Kabookle, and you can hop over there to read a teaser and sign up to receive an email notification when the Patreon goes live.

I’m beyond excited to share this book. Even more, though, I’m excited to invite you to a community where I’m hoping we can have some good old-fashioned writing fun. As Zachary Petit, former managing editor of Writers Digest, said in a recent article, “write the story that gives you insomnia.” Grimmfay is that story for me. (Also, check out that article by clicking here—it’s a good one.)

Well, off to the circus. Hope to see you there!

Come one, come many,

Bring few, bring many!

The might, the magic, the majesty

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