Goddess Fish book tour banner for Harley James and the Peril of the Pirate's Curse

Featuring middle grade novel Harley James and the Peril of the Pirate’s Curse by Leah Cupps

cover of Harley James and the Peril of the Pirate's Curse by Leah Cupps

Will Harley find the magic pearl before Port Royal is destroyed?

Harley James, explorer and amateur cryptologist, has just arrived in Port Royal, Jamaica—home to the Caribbean’s famous sunken pirate city. Her latest mission? Prevent a mysterious, mythical blue pearl from being discovered and prevent city’s total destruction.

No sweat for an adventurer like Harley, right?

But just when Harley thinks she’s on the right track, everything she believes is turned upside-down. Her friends become enemies; her enemies become friends; and Harley isn’t sure who to trust—including the ghost who’s started following her around.

With time running out, Harley must rely on her codebreaking expertise to discover the truth, solve the riddles, and save the city from certain disaster!

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Excerpt from Harley James and the Peril of the Pirate’s Curse

Does the sea ever stop moving?

I gripped the railing at the side of the ship and looked down at my feet. They were moving, and I was standing still. The ocean swayed to its own music. My dog, Daisy, stood next to me, panting with excitement. Tufts of her salt-and-pepper fur were poking out from her doggie life vest.

“You like this, huh?”

She gave me a friendly wag.

It’s not like I’m scared of the ocean. The beach is great. I’ve always loved the smell of the salt water and the wide-open view of the horizon, and I love bodysurfing and combing the sand for shells. But out there on a ship, I was having second thoughts about all this sea business. My stomach felt like it had its own wave action going. Only, the waves were on fire.


“Harley, you okay? You look as green as a patch of seaweed,” said Dad as he smiled down at me, his brown hair flapping in the wind. He had traded his signature blue field shirt and red bandana for a short-sleeved button-down with bright-green palm trees. I told him he looked more like a tourist than an archaeologist.

We were sailing over the rippling blue waters of Port Royal Harbour, Jamaica. You see, my dad is the world-famous archaeologist and explorer Russell James. He gets job offers that take him all around the world. And as his only daughter, I get to go along for the ride. It’s pretty great, most of the time.

Except for instances like this one, when I was about ready to throw up the Cheerios I had for breakfast.

But that’s a story for another day.

About Leah Cupps

author Leah Cupps

Leah Cupps is an author, designer and entrepreneur. She came up with the idea for Harley James with her oldest daughter Savannah. Savannah had taken an interest in Mayan history and so the two of them worked together to come up with the idea for the first Harley James book; the Mystery of the Mayan Kings.

Leah lives in Indiana with her husband and three children. She is also the cofounder of Vision Forty Press, a small family owned publishing company.


Leah Cupps will be awarding $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

8 thoughts on “Excerpt+Giveaway: Harley James and the Peril of the Pirate’s Curse by Leah Cupps

  1. I like the cover, synopsis and excerpt, Harley James and the Peril of the Pirate’s Curse sounds like a great story to share with my grandchildren. Thank you for sharing the author’s bio and book details

  2. Harley James and the Peril of the Pirate’s Curse by Leah Cupps sounds like a fun book for youngsters to read.

  3. Fantastic excerpt, Leah, Harley James and the Peril of the Pirate’s Curse sounds like an excellent book to share with the kids and I love the cover! Thanks for sharing it with me and have a fabulous day!

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