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Featuring an exclusive excerpt from cozy mystery Murder at the Zoo by Marcia Rosen

cover of Murder at the Zoo by Marcia Rosen

A body is tossed into the lion’s habitat at the zoo where Miranda Scott is the senior vet. She and Detective Bryan Anderson join forces to unravel that mystery and several more murders. A fan since childhood of Agatha Christie, Raymond Chandler, and Sherlock Holmes they seem to live in her head frequently telling her what to do…and not do. Murders, family, deceit, revenge and a gangster father and godfather often get in the way of a fine romance between Miranda and the Detective.

Excerpt from Murder at the Zoo

“Miranda where are you? A couple pieces of the murdered man’s clothing have been thrown up. We have to take Kamali, the female lion, in for an exam and possibly surgery. We can’t do it without you.”

Emma was frantic. She hadn’t heard from Miranda for nearly five hours, and now an urgent situation was looming at the Zoo.

“I was sort of kidnapped by my mother, who is visiting. Need I say anymore?  Get the Assistant lion-keeper and as many Vet interns and Technicians available to meet us at the habitat in a half-hour. We need to arrange for Kasi to be separated from Kamali so she can be tranquilized and moved to the hospital.”

“It’s important the detectives know about this.” Agatha said softly.

 Miranda answered the voices in her head out loud, “Let Emma call them.”

“No!” Shouted Sherlock, Agatha and Raymond.

“You really need to do it.” Said Agatha

“Bryan, a piece of the murdered man’s clothing has been vomited up by the female lion. I’ll be doing an exam within an hour for anything else possibly still in her stomach.”

Leaving Madrid, Lillian Scott let out a huge sigh of relief. “I’m glad that’s over.”

“For now anyhow,” Miranda whispered to herself.  She was thinking about the computers inside the cottage. She knew someone who knew quite a bit about computer hacking.

Atta a girl! Do be thoughtful of courage and truth. 

What was Socrates doing in her head?

Nearing Albuquerque, she finally returned the six calls from Emma, and after making the necessary arrangements for Kamali she turned to her mother and said, “Do you talk to him? 

“No, I don’t talk to your father. Well, hardly ever,” her mother replied.

“This whole mess is crazy with secrets and more lies. What else is there to know about these people?” Raymond asked in an annoyed tone.

 “Take me home so I can get my car. Yours is mess.”

Arriving at the Zoo after picking up her own car, Emma wanted to know, “Where have you been, and what is going on?”

“Later.  Let’s take care of our lady lion. I’m concerned she may have other items inside her she might not be able to digest.”

Detectives Anderson and Wilson were already there along with several police officers. Miranda said, “Good grief, are you planning on arresting the lion?”

About Marcia Rosen

author Marcia Rosen

Marcia Rosen (aka M. Glenda Rosen), award winning author of eleven books including The Senior Sleuths and Dying To Be Beautiful Mystery Series and The Gourmet Gangster: Mysteries and Menus (Menus by her son Jory Rosen). She is also author of The Woman’s Business Therapist and award winning My Memoir Workbook. For 25 years she was owner of a successful national marketing and public relations agency, Marcia has frequently been a speaker and/or program moderator at organization meetings and conferences, bookstores, libraries and Zoom Programs. Topics she has taught and presented over the past twenty years include: Encouraging the Writer Within You, Marketing for Authors, Writing Mysteries…Not A Mystery, Writing Your Memoir and recently “Anatomy of Writing A Murder.”  Many articles on these topics have been published on mystery reader blogs and in newsletters and magazines including “Mystery Scene Magazine” and “Mystery Reader International Journal.”

She is a member of Sisters in Crime National and New Mexico (Croak & Dagger), Southwest Writers, New Mexico Book Association, Women Writing the West, Public Safety Writer’s Association, and National Association of Independent Writers and Editors—for which she is also a board member.  www.MarciaRosen.com


Marcia Rosen will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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