Happy June!
I’m kicking off the month with a flood of new reading material for you. I’ve teamed up with some great authors to offer three lists of books for your reading pleasure. So sit back, click away, and find some new books to read! Ready, here we go…
New Releases
Over 30 books released in April and May from across various genres. Once Upon a Broken Sky is also featured in this list, so have a look and support some shiny new books.
Fairy Tales
Another list that includes Once Upon a Broken Sky, but this one’s all about fairy tales. So whether you want a twisting tale or a modern romance with retelling power, look no farther than this list.
And finally, a host of free books–around 200 to be exact, including my own Twining: A Tale of Grimmfay. Have a click. Your new favorite read could be on this list.