Goddess Fish book tour banner for The Wielder Diaries My Crystal

Featuring fantasy adventure The Wielder Diaries: My Crystal by Ashley Scheller

cover of The Wielder Diaries My Crystal by Ashley Scheller

Please…Please come back… Those words ring in her ears as she awakens. A strange band of characters call her Kayla, a name she’s forgotten along her life filled with transforming animals, magic, and dragons. Anybody would want to remember such an exciting life, yet there seems to be a truth no one wants to share, WHY it’s important Kayla remembers. With a mystical book in hand, she races against time to recall her adventures she shared with her family and friends in this first installment of ‘The Wielder Diaries’ series, ‘My Crystal.’

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Excerpt from The Wielder Diaries: My Crystal

“P-Please come back…”

When the first light seeped in, I awoke with a jolt. There was a quick blur from brown to green when a sharp pull upwards tugged around my shoulders. Blinded by green fabric, I could faintly smell a smoky, sweet aroma while held tight into someone’s shoulder.

“By all that I am, you sure took your sweet time,” a young male voice cried.

Held tight from the earnestness of his embrace, I, sounding muffled, tried to ask what was going on. I wriggled and pushed the man away. When released enough to bring my head back a bit, there was a smiling face. Though he appeared young, his face was still rather hazy with my sleep-clouded vision. Not heeding my questions, or asking what I meant to say, for that matter, he lifted me off the bed into his arms and carried me out the door. Taken aback, still at a loss as to why this was all happening, I couldn’t utter a word of objection.

“Oi, has the meeting begun? Look who’s awake! Get King Basi in here!” the green-clad stranger shouted.

Although my surroundings were still blurry, I felt we were going down a set of stairs. The stairs were along the sidewall of a large room made out of what looked like wood and maybe black marble along with a high ceiling. There were also bright, twinkling lights hanging overhead, appearing somewhat tiered altogether, but I could barely stand to look at them for any length of time.

About Ashley Scheller

author Ashley Scheller

Ashley Scheller has many hats. An educator by day and artist by night –  if she isn’t sketching new creations in her notebook, she loves to create stories. Residing with her family in Iowa, Scheller enjoys connecting with her community about art, books, and games. In 2021, Scheller published book two of The Wielder Diaries series, Shattered. She invites you to an exciting adventure and looks forward to publishing book three soon.

Click here to check out her books, social media, and more: https://aschellerbooks.carrd.co/


Ashley Scheller will be awarding a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

9 thoughts on “Excerpt+Giveaway: The Wielder Diaries: My Crystal by Ashly Scheller

  1. Thank you, Kit ’N Kabookle, for hosting The Wielder Diaries: My Crystal. I do have work today, but I intend to interact as much as I’m able. Readers, for fun, I am curious what is your favorite thing/aspect about the fantasy genre? The magic? The creatures? For me, it’s the escapism fantasy provides. <3

  2. I like the cover art, synopsis and excerpt, The Wielder Diaries: My Crystal sounds like an epic read and I am looking forward to it. Thank you for sharing the author’s bio and book details

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