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Interview with Lauren Sevier and A Smith, authors of dystopian western romance Leather & Lace

cover of Leather & Lace by Lauren Sevier and A. Smith

Three years wandering the desert is enough to drive anyone insane, and the limits of Bonnie and Jesse’s minds and hearts will be put to the ultimate test.

A deadly showdown with a murderous outlaw ripped Bonnie away from the relative peace and ragtag family she’d built at the end of Guns & Smoke. In the thrilling next chapter in The Fool’s Adventure series, we finally get the answer to the biggest question: What happened to Bonnie?

After three years of fighting to get her back, literally, Jesse James finds her in the most unlikely of places– New Orleans high society. With the help of his rival-turned-friend Will Ellis, and a sassy staff member, Jesse’s tasked with infiltrating the house of the man he believes was responsible for killing his parents in order to get her back. Jesse’s biggest challenge yet will be learning to fight for Bonnie in a way he never expected before: by fitting in.

Mired in high society politics and scheming, Bonnie is at the epicenter of one of the most ruthless gangs in the world. Years trapped in a gilded cage of wealth and lies has irrevocably changed her from a crass outlaw into a southern debutante. Gone is the dangerous glint in her eyes, replaced with suspicion when the devilishly handsome street fighter named Montana suddenly joins her father’s staff.

Can Jesse remind Bonnie of who she really is in time to keep her from giving her heart and hand away or will he discover that the wild, beautiful outlaw he fell in love with is truly gone?

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Excerpt from Leather & Lace

Staring at her now, knowing that I’d desperately fallen for her all over again sent a stark jolt through me. This feeling between us wasn’t some average infatuation. Most people could live a lifetime and never experience the raging, all-consuming need to be close to another person, no matter whether you knew why.

My soul called out, and hers answered.

Everything that I’d lost three years ago was suddenly before me. In the span of a breath, I closed the distance. I clutched her hips, a smile curling over my lips at the little gasp she let out as her back met the steel door and my mouth covered hers. I reached behind her, flicking the lock. Too many times we’d been interrupted. I’d be damned if I let it happen now. Not when she loved me again.

An Interview with Lauren Sevier and A. Smith

-What inspired you to become a writer?
Abbie: I have had an obsession with storytelling since I was a child. I always fell asleep at night telling myself stories. A lot of it stemmed from childhood, where I wanted to find an escape from reality, so I would fall into other worlds. That has continued throughout adulthood, and I have fully embraced my creative side.

Lauren: Draco Malfoy Fanfiction. Need I say more? BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

-If you could visit your book’s world for a day, what one thing would you do?
Abbie: Run for my life! I don’t know if I’m meant for roughing it. I like air conditioning, the internet, and safety too much. Unless I had a personal security guard *cough*William Ellis*cough* then I might survive.

Lauren: Oh my Gosh! So many things! I would want to party with the core four (Bonnie, Jesse, Will, and Savvy). Jump onto a moving train. Go to one of Savvy’s legendary tea parties. Get into all kinds of trouble with Will Ellis. And definitely try to steal Jesse away from Bonnie… though I’m 100% sure I’d be unsuccessful, flirting with him would be a serious highlight of my life. I’d also like to take knife-throwing lessons from Bonnie. And dance. I love the way the characters dance in the books. It’s so great. Fun and not too serious, but still important. I’d also really really love to spend a bunch of time picking on Jesse and Bonnie with the Kid. He’s hilarious!

-It’s two in the morning. What does your protagonist reveal in confidence? (Don’t worry, we won’t tell.)
Abbie: Jesse would admit how scared he is. He puts on a tough front, but in reality, he fears not being able to protect the people that he loves and he feels like he’s failed them.

Lauren: Will would probably confess a ton of embarrassing shit. With a straight face. Things that would shock and delight (usually NSFW topics, I’m sure). And Bonnie would get pretty vulnerable and talk about her hopes, dreams, aspirations… things she doesn’t feel safe to talk about in her daily life. She’d unload all the fragile optimistic things she holds really close to her chest. About wanting to be a mother, wanting to love freely and openly, wishing she could feel safe enough to let people close to her. She’s so strong all the time that it would be the small things she would confess that make her believe she’s weak if she admitted out loud.

-Which of your characters would you go out for drinks with?
Abbie: Bonnie. She tells a lot of really good stories and I think it would make for a fun evening!

Lauren: BONNIE! OMG, this girl knows how to have a damn good time. She tells great stories, she’s unafraid to be herself. Ultra-confident. And can drink pretty much anyone under the table… so she’d probably entertain herself by robbing a few people in the bar while we were there and that just seems thrilling. LOL!

-You’re in a tavern, and a dwarf challenges you to a duel. What do you do?
Abbie: I’m a pacfist, so I would decline! Lol!

Lauren: I challenge him to a duel of wits. And give him a super hard riddle. That’s about the only way I’d win in any case. HAHA!

-Is there a genre you could never write? Which and why?
Abbie: Horror. I enjoy a good thriller, but I’m not very fond of gore for gore’s sake. Also, Children’s literature. I curse way too much!

Lauren: NOPE! I used to think there were genre’s I couldn’t write in and that might still be true to some extent now. However, the more I grow as an author the more I realize that challenging myself is what I crave more than anything. So nothing is off the table folks. It’s open season. LOL!

About the Authors

Lauren Sevier and A. Smith are longtime friends and co-authors from southern Louisiana. Guns and Smoke, their first joint publication, began as a “short” story after having too much wine on girl’s night. Nine years later it is now the first novel in a Dystopian/Western Romance series. The duo has plans to publish several series together in the future. A. Smith spends her time with her two rescue dogs and rescue cat surrounding herself with books and Labyrinth paraphernalia. Lauren Sevier collects antique tea cups and tries to stay sane, though as the mother of a toddler she fails brilliantly most days. She also has a growing collection of crowns and tiaras and likes to act silly on Tiktok. Look for more thrilling novels from The Fools Adventure series in the future!

~Find Lauren Sevier online:

~Find A. Smith online:


Lauren Sevier and A. Smith will be awarding a $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

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7 thoughts on “Interview+Giveaway: Leather & Lace by Lauren Sevier & A. Smith

  1. Thank you for sharing your interviews, bios and book details, Leather & Lace is a must read for me and I am looking forward to it.

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