Goddess Fish book tour banner for A Link Between Two Worlds by Gabriella Kikwaki

Featuring an interview with Gabriella Kikwaki, author of  middle grade fantasy A Link Between Two Worlds

cover of A Link Between Two Worlds by Gabriella Kikwaki

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Three book bilingual series

Book 1:

Two worlds, one goal. The story will all be revealed. Hey, my name’s Alaura. In this story, I found out that there’s a parallel universe to Earth’s called Aliese. I also have a long-lost relative, my sister Alia. But not everything is as great as it seems; there’re evil forces called the Gaulris out to destroy the worlds with their leader, Lord Zefron. My friends, my sister, and I must find a way to stop this force before they reunite the two parallel universes, which will be total destruction.

Deux mondes, un objectif, l’histoire va être révélée. Bonjour, mon nom c’est Alaura. Dans cette histoire, je découvre qu’il y a un univers parallèle à la planète Terre qui s’appelle Aliese. J’apprends aussi que j’ai une soeur, nommée Alia, perdue depuis longtemps. Mais tout n’est pas aussi beau qu’il n’y paraît, il y a également les forces du mal : les Gaulris et leur roi Zefron. C’est pourquoi mes amis, ma soeur et moi devons arrêter le roi Zefron avant qu’il ne réunisse les deux univers parallèles, ce qui serait une destruction totale..

Buy Book 1:

Book 2:

The future is never a straight path.

Hey, my name is Alia. In this story my friends, my sister and I find out that we cannot destroy Lord Zefron because of his mechanism. We also find out the exact date that the parallel universe will merge. We later make it to Bartha’s place. She has a solution to how we can stop the universes from reuniting. But with every good thing comes a price to pay. We collect a load of items to prepare ourselves for this mission. So, we need once again to find a way to save the galaxy before the total destruction caused by the parallel universes.

Le future n’est jamais un chemin droit.

Hey mon nom est Alia. Dans cette histoire mes amies, ma soeur et moi ont découvert que nous ne pouvons pas détruire Le roi Zefron à cause de son mécanisme.

On a aussi découvert la date exacte à laquelle les deux univers parallèles vont se réunir. Quand nous sommes arrivés au château de Bartha, Bartha avait une solution comment empêcher les deux univers parallèles de se réunir. Mais pour toute bonne chose il ya un prix à payer. Nous avons donc collectionné beaucoup d’objects pour préparer à cette mission. Une fois de plus mes amies, ma soeur et moi doivent trouver un moyen de sauver la galaxie avant que les univers parallèles causent une destruction totale.

Buy Book 2:

Book 3 (releasing soon):

A light in the darkness . . .

Hey, my name is Lily and in this volume the nightmare truly begins. So, I, Alia Reven, and the rest of the group finally prepare a plan to stop the two worlds from merging. We had everything planned out, or so we thought . . . When The Telepathies sisters did the spell of Senyria, they awakened a hidden dark force that is out to destroy the world, which goes by the name of the black mist, or Devoile. Friends get possessed, new worlds are unlocked, hidden mysteries are discovered, and, worst of all, our friends, the world and realms are all in danger, ’cause in this volume the nightmare begins!

Une lumière dans le noire . . .
Bonjour mon c’est Lily et dans cette tome le cauchemar a commencé. Alors moi, Alia, Reven et tout le rest du groupe ont finalement trouvé un plan pour arrêter les deux mondes de se reunir. Nous avons prevu chaque etape ou on pensait avoir . . . Quand les soeurs Telepathie ont fait le sortilège de Senyria, elles ont révélé une nouvelle force du mal qui s’appelle la brume noir ou Devoile. Nos amis deviennent possedés, deux nouveaux mondes se montrent, des secrets inconnu sont révélé mais la plus mauvaise. Nos amis, l’univers et tout le monde sont en danger car dans cette tome le cauchemar a . . . vraiment commencer!!


Origin of the species

A long time ago, there lived five different types of creatures: Velious, Oniras, Eveliques, Telepathies and Pheltia. These four creatures (Velious, Oniras, Eveliques, Pheltia) that lived in harmony were divided through anger, rage, and pain. One day, a new type of species appeared in their most vulnerable moment: two girls known as the species of telepathies. They appeared to be sisters. One wore moonlike necklaces and the other wore ice-like earrings. From that day forward, the four other species found a comet where they met the two sisters. Little did they know that this comet would divide the world in two: one where magic and sorcery existed, and the other where regular beings could live.


The black hole

Ding ding ding ding ding! Alaura — What the? Ahh, oh, it’s just my alarm, but why did I even set up an alarm? Oh, yay, I completely forgot; it’s SUMMER BREAK! Oouhh ouhhh ouhhh ouhhh! So Apricot what do you think of a nice walk in the park? Well, it’s a beautiful day. Mom, me and Apricot are going out. Eva (Mom) — Ok, honey. I’m just taking care of your baby brother.

While Alaura was walking down Greenwood Park with chipmunk Apricot, she encountered one of her friends.

Alaura — Hey, Reven, over here.

Reven — Huh? Oh hey, Alaura; it’s always good to see you. Hehe!

Alaura — So what are you doing and why are you acting so weird?

Reven — Isn’t it obvious? I’m walking in the park. Hehe.

Alaura — Reven. Reven — Ok, I’m trying to pull a prank on Emma. She got me so good last time, and now I have to return the favour. Oh wait! You brought your chipmunk!.

Alaura and Reven — Hahahah!

Reven — So, did you hear the news?

Alaura — What news?

An Interview with Gabriella Kikwaki

-What inspired you to become a writer?:

My interest in the mysteries of the galaxy that grew into a passion for writing stories.


-If you could visit your book’s world for a day, what one thing would you do?:

The book I would visit is ” A link between two worlds / Un lien entre deux mondes “. The one thing I would like to do in that world is go to an enchanted forest.     The enchanted forest is a majestical place where most stories and adventures begin!

-It’s two in the morning. What does your protagonist reveal in confidence? (Don’t worry, we won’t tell.):

Here’s what one of my protagonists would reveal (this part does not come from any story):

Alaura: *Yawns*. W-What? Why is my alarm going off?! It’s two in the morning! Huh? What is this paper? “What would you reveal in confidence?”. Who would want to know that? Well…. Out of all things I could say, I’m scared of spiders! They’re just creepy with their long legs!

Reven: Wait what did you say? You’re scared of spiders! Ha-ha! I finally have the perfect April fool’s day prank!

Alaura: N-No! I didn’t say anything! Wait…. How did you even get in here?!


-Which of your characters would you go out for drinks with?

Okay this is going to sound crazy but…. I would go with “Lord Zefron (The evil, cruel emperor of the Gaulris”. Yes, I said “Lord Zefron”. I would go with him because I could probably gain his trust learn all his secrets then use them against him to stop his evil army. The perfect plan am I right? HAHAH! ( Hopefully he didn’t hear anything ).


-You’re in a tavern, and a dwarf challenges you to a duel. What do you do?:

If this was in the fantasy world, I would take out my bow and arrow and shoot the dwarf down. If this wasn’t in a fantasy world, I would probably…RUN FOR MY LIFE!


-Is there a genre you could never write? Which and why?:

The genre I could NEVER write would be horror. I could never write a horror story because most of those stories explain the scariest and blood scenes in detail. Also, IT IS REALLY, REALLY, REALLY SCARY!!!!! Why even create a book that is meant to scare people so bad, that they can’t sleep at night???? Why may you ask? BECAUSE THOSE PEOPLES ARE ALWAYS LOOKING OVER THEIR SHOULDERS, TO MAKE SURE THAT NO ONE WITH A SCARY FACE COMES INTO THEIR ROOM TO HARM THEM!! Well, everyone has his or her own personality and I guess some peoples just like getting scared.

About Gabriella Kikwaki

author Gabriella Kikwaki

I am an eleven-year-old girl from Ontario, Canada. I speak both French and English. At the age of 11 I wrote my first book in a series called A Link Between Two Worlds. I like gymnastics, dancing, singing, swimming and drawing characters. I also love writing fantasy stories. One day I decided to write a story about a magic galaxy, friendship, hope, courage and fantasy.

Je suis une fille de 11 ans. Je viens de l’Ontario, Canada. Je parle le français et l’anglais. À l’âge de 11 ans, j’ai écrit le premier tome de la série Un lien entre deux mondes. J’adore chanter, nager et faire de la gymnastique. J’aime aussi dessiner des personnages et raconter des histoires originales et amusantes. Un jour, j’ai décidé d’écrire une histoire sur une galaxie où se mêlent magie, amitié, courage et de la fantaisie.



Gabriella Kikwaki will be awarding a $15 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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