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Review of historical fantasy She’s the One Who Can’t Keep Quiet by S. R. Cronin

cover of She's the One Who Can't Keep Quiet by S. R. Cronin

Do you know what your problem is?

Celestine, the fifth of seven sisters, is tired of hearing about hers. Father thinks she’s frivolous because she likes pretty clothes and caters to the crowds in the taverns who adore her music. Mother thinks that because she’s the most social daughter in the family, she can’t keep quiet about anything.

They’re both wrong. Celestine hides a secret she has kept for most of her life.

As the family beauty and a talented musician with a lyrical voice, she has the best prospects for marriage to a prince. When such a liaison never happens, people assume Celestine is too choosy. But even in somewhat tolerant Ilari, a daughter hates to disappoint her family. How can she tell them she’s in love with a princess instead?

Lucky for Celestine, all her sisters are obsessed with an invading army headed to their realm. Celestine would rather ignore the threat and enjoy the freedom their lack of attention gives her. But, her voice can unlock a power that may help save Ilari. And the woman she loves is determined to fight these invaders. And her family, for all their talents, seems clueless about how to motivate the masses.

Celestine knows she can inspire the citizens of Ilari to do what needs to be done. Is it time to put her inhibitions aside and use her voice to save those she loves?

Excerpt from She’s the One Who Can’t Keep Quiet

As I packed up my things for the carriage ride home, a familiar-looking young woman knocked on my door.

“Your ensemble is catching on,” she said.

I studied her face. She had a small mole in the middle of her chin but otherwise unmemorable features. Except for her eyes. Those large beguiling eyes looked familiar. Wasn’t she the one we’d auditioned on the day we found Mirva? The one with a squeaky voice and no musical talent?

“I’m Ura,” she clarified. “You didn’t have a spot for me earlier, but I thought you might want to reconsider.”

Did I? Five was a good number for a group.

“I’m helpful, dependable, and eager to learn. I’d make a fine addition.” She twirled her hair between her fingers as she spoke.

Those were good qualities.  Perhaps I’d been too hasty in rejecting her. Maybe she could be taught.

No! What was I thinking? This girl had no feel for music at all.

“I’m sorry. We have all the people we need right now.”

She seemed surprised by my rejection.

“Perhaps you haven’t fully considered the advantages of adding me?”

Well, maybe I hadn’t … Maybe I should ask her more questions….

“Celestine!” Zamarran’s voice came from outside my window. “We’re all out here waiting for you. What’s taking so long?”

“Sorry,” I yelled back. “On my way.” I turned to Ura. “I have to go. The answer is no, we don’t need you but I hope you can find another group.”

“I hope so too,” she said. “Or I’ll be back.”

It sounded oddly like a threat.

My Review of She’s the One Who Can’t Keep Quiet

Cronin has done it again. Another fantastic installment in this series. I love watching this conflict unfold from multiple perspectives. Each sister feels so real with her own trials and growth. And of course, they have their squabbles, as siblings do, but they come together in great ways to save their home.

This story spoke to me on a deeper level. Performing used to be a big part of my life, and that part of me identified strongly with the scenes in front of an audience. The petty jealousies between artists and all the trouble of that is something I’m no stranger to, and that was all captured beautifully. Also in ways that made me want to smack people occasionally. So, realistic.

I can’t stress this enough—this series is a must-read. It’s historical, but it’s also light while hitting heavy topics, and the fantasy elements are so cool. Highly recommend.

About S. R. Cronin

author S. R. Cronin

Sherrie Cronin is the author of a collection of six speculative fiction novels known as 46. Ascending and now writes a historical fantasy series called The War Stories of the Seven Troublesome Sisters. The synopses of her books makes it obvious she is fascinated by people achieving the astonishing by developing abilities they barely knew they had.

She’s made a lot of stops along the way. She’s lived in seven cities, visited forty-six countries, and worked as a waitress, technical writer, and geophysicist. She’s lost several cats but acquired a husband who still loves her and three kids who’ve grown up just fine, both despite how odd she is.

These days she lives in the mountains of Western North Carolina, where she also answers a hot-line, does things to improve her writing, and volunteers for the Science Fiction Writers of America (SFWA) of which she’ s proud member.

All her life she wanted to either tell these kinds of stories or be Chief Science Officer on the Starship Enterprise. She admits to occasionally checking her phone for a message from Captain Picard, just in case.

Find her online:


S. R. Cronin will be awarding a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

5 thoughts on “Review+Giveaway: She’s the One Who Can’t Keep Quiet by S. R. Cronin

  1. Thank you for sharing your excellent review of this story, I like the cover, synopsis and excerpt, this is a must read book and series for me

  2. Congratulations on your release of She’s the One Who Can’t Keep Quiet, Sherrie, I enjoyed the excerpt and I enjoyed following the tour and learning about your book, which sounds like another great book in your series for me to read and I love the cover! Good luck with your book and I hope the tour was a success! Thanks for bringing it to my attention! Thanks, Kit ‘n’ Kabookle, for sharing your review! Have a terrific day!

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